Our library of free 4k cloud stock footage provides a vast selection of clips with breathtaking compositions that will take your production value up a notch.
Whether you’re looking for dramatic skies, billowing clouds, or sunrises, you’ll find it all in our library. Our clips range from 15-30 seconds and come in a variety of file formats and resolutions.
We are pleased to offer a wide selection of free 4K cloud stock footage and cloud overlays that are perfect for any project you are working on. With our high-quality content, you’ll be able to create stunning visuals with ease.
Our entire collection of free VFX overlays is available in 4k ProRes and 4k EXR formats, and most of the footage is also available in RAW R3D format with up to 8k resolution.
You can easily add visual effects to your project, be it a YouTube video or a feature film, by downloading a free cloud overlay.
Our collection of free cloud overlays includes a variety of videos that can be used to add texture and depth to your video, film, motion graphics, graphic design or other presentation.
You can easily layer them over other video clips or photos for an instant transformation or use them as background elements to set the mood for any scene. The possibilities are endless!
The cloud tank VFX packs are perfect for adding the ultimate in surreal weather to your projects. These packs consist of isolated fast-forming and supernatural clouds with realistic motion and physics that make them look like they’re part of a real environment.
Our winter sky videos are perfect for adding a wintery feel to your projects. These clips feature icy clouds, overcast winter days, and sunsets in 4K-8K resolution that will give you the cinematic look you need!
Our spring sky videos are perfect for adding a colorful and bright atmosphere to your projects. Our 4K-8K resolution clips feature sunrises, cotton candy clouds, and beautiful landscapes that will bring life to your visual effects.
Working in unison with our cloud stock footage, we have a number of related weather overlays, including rain, snow, fog, and atmosphere.
Our library of 4K rain overlays includes a variety of clips with realistic rain falling from the sky. With our high-quality videos, you’ll be able to achieve a cinematic look without any hassle.
Our 4k snow overlays capture the beauty of wintertime with stunning clarity and sharp details. With this collection, you can easily add a touch of winter to your project, and they pair perfectly with our winter skies footage.
If you’re looking for a more mysterious feel, our 4K fog overlays are just what you need. These clips feature various types of fog that can be layered over other clips to add layers of environment and visual complexity to any scene.
Our atmosphere VFX packs feature hanging atmospheres over a black background that will help you quickly and easily add depth to any scene. These perfectly complement our sky footage allowing you to add ambiance to any shot.
Our 4K cloud stock footage will bring your project to life and give it the edge you need to stand out from the crowd. No matter what season or type of cloud footage you’re looking for, our library has it all!
With our diverse selection of free 4K-8K clips in a variety of file formats and resolutions, we have something that will work perfectly for your project. Download today, and let us help you take your production value up a notch.
Need free footage from other effects categories? Check out our other free footage pages below.