Our collection of free 4k sky stock footage offers a wide array of clips with stunning panoramas that will take your production value up a notch. These high-quality videos are perfect for sky replacements or adding a dynamic look to any project.
Our sky stock footage captures various celestial events such as sunrises and sunsets, starry nights, blue skies with clouds passing by, and more. We also offer an impressive selection of day-to-day skies in different weather conditions with the colors and details that make them unique.
We are pleased to offer a wide selection of free 4K sky stock footage and sky overlays that are perfect for any project you are working on. With our high-quality content, you’ll be able to create stunning visuals with ease.
Our full library of free stock video overlays is available in 4k ProRes, 4k EXR, and 8k RAW R3D file formats.
By downloading our royalty-free sky videos, you can easily add simple but stunning visual effects to your project, be it a social media video or a blockbuster feature film.
Our library of free skies overlays includes a variety of videos that can be used to add texture and depth to your video, film, motion graphics, graphic design, or other presentation. From a simple blue sky to a stormy sky time lapse to night and sunrise videos, we have everything you need to perform a sky replacement or other sky-related effects.
All clips range from 15-30 seconds and come in a variety of file formats and resolutions. Easily layer them behind video clips or photos to instantly transform and enhance any scene. The possibilities are limitless!
Our winter sky videos are perfect for adding a wintery feel to your projects. These clips feature icy clouds, overcast winter days, sunsets, and night skies with stars and the moon. All are available in 4K-8K resolution that will give you the cinematic look you need!
Our spring sky collection features a variety of stunning clips with bright blue skies and fluffy clouds that evoke the feeling of spring. These videos are perfect for adding a burst of life and beauty to any project, whether it’s a TikTok video or a feature film. Featuring 4K-8K resolution, our videos capture vivid colors and sharp details, allowing you to create high-quality visuals.
We also offer a great selection of cloud stock footage that can be used for sky replacements or to add unique and surreal texture and depth to your visuals. Our collection includes videos featuring time-lapse-like effects of clouds forming extremely fast, billowing, and building quickly and supernaturally.
In perfect harmony with our sky stock footage, we have a variety of related weather overlays, including rain, snow, fog, and atmosphere.
Our atmosphere VFX packs feature hanging atmospheres over a black background that will help you quickly and easily add depth to any scene. These perfectly complement our sky footage allowing you to add ambiance to any shot.
Our library of 4K rain overlays includes a variety of clips with realistic rain falling from the sky. With our high-quality videos, you’ll be able to achieve a cinematic look without any hassle.
If you’re looking for a more mysterious feel, our 4K fog overlays are just what you need. These clips feature various types of fog that can be layered over other clips to add layers of environment and visual complexity to any scene.
Our 4k snow overlays capture the beauty of wintertime with stunning clarity and sharp details. With this collection, you can easily add a touch of winter to your project, and they pair perfectly with our winter skies footage.
All of our sky video overlays are offered in 4k ProRes and 8k R3D. That means that you can simply drag and drop the video into your project and get started working. Our tutorials and FAQs will help you get familiar with the basics of using our videos.
Our sky overlays are compatible with virtually all modern video editing and graphics software, such as:
Whether you’re an amateur filmmaker just starting out or a professional production company, blue sky stock videos can be a great tool to have in your filmmaking arsenal.
Our 4K and 8K sky video backgrounds are perfect for performing free sky replacements. With our library of skies stock footage, you can go from a cloudy day to a sunset sky replacement in just a few clicks!
Need to perform a night sky replacement? No problem! We have plenty of night sky footage as well. All of our clips are perfect sky replacement stock footage to help you achieve a realistic and seamless sky replacement.
Our sky stock videos aren’t just for video editors with video editing software or compositors or colorists. They also work perfectly with Photoshop and any image editing software that can read a QuickTime file.
Because our sky overlays are video files, they offer hundreds of sky images in each clip. That means that for the price of a single stock video file, you effectively get hundreds of still frame options. And when you use one of our sky timelapse clips, you get a wide variety of images all within one stock video.
All of the stock footage available at FX Elements come with a royalty-free license, allowing you to use them in any project, commercial or non-commercial, without any extra charges.
So if you’re looking for professional sky videos from time-lapse sunsets to sunrises and everything in between, look no further than our immense video overlays collection. We have everything you need to create beautiful sky-replacement scenes that will amaze your audience and take your film to the next level.
Our collection of sky footage in 4K resolution can enhance your project and help it to stand out from others, giving it an edge. No matter what season or location, be it city or sea, or anywhere in between, we have all the kinds of sky footage you’re looking for; our library has it all!
We offer a wide range of free clips in 4K-8K resolution and various file formats. You can find the perfect clip for your project and download it today to improve your production value.
To obtain free footage from additional categories of effects, please refer to our other pages that offer additional free footage.