VFX Guides

Visual Effects History and Knowledge
OpenEXR: The History of a VFX Industry Standard

OpenEXR: The History of a VFX Industry Standard

You might think file formats are just technical details, but OpenEXR's story reveals how a single innovation can impact an entire industry.

VFX Basics: Setting up a Compositing Workflow

VFX Basics: Setting up a Compositing Workflow

With the right tools and techniques, you can create stunning visual effects that will leave your audience in awe. But without the proper workflow in place, those effects could be dead on arrival.

free video overlays

Free Video Overlays

Want to take your videos to the next level? Add some free video overlays! In this guide, we'll cover everything you need to know about overlays.

Ultimate Guide to Cloud Tank VFX

Ultimate Guide to Cloud Tank VFX

Cloud tanks are a versatile and powerful visual effects tool. In this guide, we'll cover everything from the history of this fantastic effect to how to make your own cloud tank and then the best practices when using those elements in your project.

The Complete History of Fake Blood in Film and Television

The Complete History of Fake Blood in Film and Television

Discover the history of fake blood in film and TV and how it has enhanced storytelling and realism in productions for over a century.

Intro to VFX

Intro to VFX

Want to add visual effects to your videos but don't know where to start? This guide will teach you the basics of VFX and show you how easy it is to get started.

Getting Started with Video Overlays

Getting Started with Video Overlays

Find out how to use video overlays to take your projects to the next level. We'll cover all you need to know about overlays in video editing.

How to Build a VFX Library in 4 Easy Steps

How to Build a VFX Library in 4 Easy Steps

Learn how to quickly and easily build your very own VFX library with downloadable elements and assets from FX Elements.

Getting Started with VFX Stock Footage and Overlays

Getting Started with VFX Stock Footage and Overlays

Explore the power of VFX stock footage. Learn where to find it, how to use it, and the software that can help create visuals.

Special Effects in Movies: Unveiling the Magic

Special Effects in Movies: Unveiling the Magic

Movie special effects have always been essential to creating fantastical worlds and impossible realities, from the early days of film to our current digital cinema.

Leveling Up Your Visual Effects

Leveling Up Your Visual Effects

With the right tools, adding high-quality visual effects to your videos is easier than ever. Learn more about how FX Elements can help you create stunning visuals for your next project.