Air BubblesPack 1
Includes 18 clips

Need to add air bubbles to a scuba diver? What about a large abstract iridescent shape as a wormhole, or simply whimsical bubbles from a child’s toy? We have a number of options available for all your bubble footage needs.
Immerse your audience in a captivating underwater world with our premium stock footage of realistic underwater bubbles. Whether it’s the mystic charm of a scuba diver’s descent or the serene tranquility of an aquarium, our high-quality video overlays bring your visual narratives to life. Dive into the depths of creativity with our underwater bubbles collection, adding a touch of aquatic magic to your film, TV, and digital content. Unleash the power of the ocean, one bubble at a time.
Unleash the joy of childlike wonder with our enchanting stock footage of playful soap bubbles. Each high-quality video overlay captures the delicate dance of iridescent bubbles floating in the breeze, just like the ones spun from a child’s laughter on a sunny day. Our footage offers an array of vibrant colors and mesmerizing light reflections, perfect for adding a touch of whimsy and delight to your creative projects. Ideal for commercials, children’s programming, or any project that needs a sprinkle of happiness and nostalgia.
In addition to the footage above, we have a wide variety of complementary video elements. Here are a few of the related overlays that pair well with the bubbles VFX assets above.
Add a whimsical touch to your scenes with our Feathers Overlays, featuring high-resolution clips of delicate feathers floating through the air. Perfect for creating magical, dreamlike atmospheres, these VFX elements enhance the visual charm of your film or video projects.
Add an enchanting touch to your scenes with our Magic Dust overlays, featuring high-resolution clips of shimmering, ethereal particles. Perfect for fantasy and magical moments, these VFX elements bring a captivating and mystical quality to your film or video projects.
Air particles footage is a great compliment to our bubbles footage whether the scene takes place underwater or on dry land, the particles in our library are easily adaptable to any sitation.